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In Ghana, more than 3 million people live off fishing, but the fish are disappearing and with it the livelihoods of millions of people. This is due to a deadly cocktail of pollution, climate change and overfishing. Listen to this 5-episode “Lyden af Videnskab” season (in Danish) examining how the different ingredients in this deadly cocktail affect the marine environment in the Gulf of Guinea. Torkel Gissel Nielsen is a professor at DTU Aqua, and lead of the Danida-funded “HOTSPOT” research project. Read more
The Danida-funded NbS4Tea project has officially entered its second year. From January 21st to 25th, 2025, a team of Danish and Ugandan researchers gathered at the Rwebitaba Research Station in Fort Portal, Uganda, for the annual workshop. Over four productive days, ongoing research was discussed, new experiments outlined, and current challenges within the project tackled. Read more
With a focus on climate-resilient tea varieties, nature-based intercropping solutions, and versatile irrigation technologies, NbS4Tea aims to tackle climate change impacts on tea yield and quality through innovative research. Read more
As part of the research for the Danida supported project SuSleather (which stands for sustainable leather), Dewan Ahsan and Jan Vang, Professors at Syddansk Universitet – University of Southern Denmark, sent this update from one of their visits to a tannery outside Dhaka in Bangladesh. Read more
Competition for space is becoming intense in the world’s rapidly urbanizing cities, where basic infrastructure needs outcompete that of green space. With a drive for more liveable, healthy, equitable, biodiverse, and resilient cities, the main objective of CONSUS is to facilitate a sustainable transformation of urban blue-green spaces in South Africa together with local communities and government actors. Read more
This research aims to build resilience to mosquito-borne viral diseases in Zanzibar by preventing hospital-acquired infections through integrated mosquito control and sentinel surveillance in Zanzibar hospitals. Read more
In the equatorial East African region (EA) including Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia, agriculture accounts for 80%, with coffee and sisal as the most important crops with 600 kiloton coffee and 100 kiloton sisal ropes produced annually. The related crop processing generates huge quantities of organic residues that form the bulk of waste products from Agro-processing in the region. The AgroVal project will develop technologies to valorize the important agricultural crops of coffee and sisal. Read more
In Somaliland, the main part of the higher education system consists of four public universities and more than 20 private universities. University of Hargeisa (UoH) – established in 1999 – is the biggest with more than 7,000 registered students. Currently, Danida and the Danida Fellowship Centre is supporting the “Building Stronger Universities (BSU Phase IV (2023-2027)) programme in a partnership between UoH and Danish universities with a view to strengthen collaborative efforts in developing local institutional and research capacity. Read more
Trust in politicians and public institutions is key when it comes to access to drinking water and wastewater. The Danida-funded project “Multiple Waterscapes in Urban Ghana” deals with researching everyday access to drinking water in urban Ghana under conditions of climate change. Read more
Reflecting on the activities of the past two weeks, in partnership with Københavns Universitet – University of Copenhagen and supported by Danida Fellowship Centre through the Building Stronger Universities (BSU-IV) program, UoH focused on transforming key areas of our curriculum and strengthening research capabilities. Read more