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We believe that new knowledge and capacity in and of itself do not lead to knowledge in action in the shape of sustainable solutions and changed societies. This leap requires active steps that empower individuals, support organizations willing to find new ways, and promote platforms and processes that enable dialogue and collaboration. The Network will do just that.

A Quadruple Helix

How do we solve environmental and climate change challenges. How do we overcome issues of food insecurity? How do we combat major health challenges? New and innovative solutions and a real and sustainable change require dialogue and collaboration between change agents from across the public sector, academia, or industry and civil society. The Network will bring people together for change.

Inspire. Connect. Act.

The Network will seek to inspire people to think anew, try new approaches, form new partnerships, and contribute their knowledge into new solutions. The Network will connect people who battle the same challenges and contemplate solutions to the same problems – including people and organizations that may not otherwise have engaged. The Network will encourage people to act.

But the success of the Network will depend on the energy that members themselves generate and how much they invest in the Network. On whether they make the Network a community.

The Network Secretariat.

The Danida Fellowship Centre Network Team will act as Secretariat to the Network. The Secretariat will support members to connect in a variety of ways, provide spaces for co-creative exchange, and co-facilitate the network’s activities together with its active members.

The Secretariat will help facilitate and coordinate the Network and connected communities, and organize opportunities and events for and together with its members. Read more about the Danida Fellowship Network Team here. Read more about the Danida Fellowship Network Team here

Rivash Panday, Sasol South Africa, Senior Specialist, Sustainable Water

The members of the Danida Fellows Network represent a tapestry of actors from public authorities, academia, private companies and civil society, whose role and work when it comes to solving the development challenges of today are interdependent and woven into each other.

The Danida Fellows Network allows them to connect and learn from each other.

Without collaboration, there will be no halt to environmental degradation, no sustainable advances towards energy efficiency, no improvements in global health, no progress in food security. New and better solutions require a change in policy and legislation, evidence based knowledge, adequate investments and the buy-in of both the public and industry.

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Craig Sheridan, Chemical Engineer, Director and Founder of the Centre for Water Research and Development

The members of the Danida Fellows Network represent a tapestry of actors from public authorities, academia, private companies and civil society, whose role and work when it comes to solving the development challenges of today are interdependent and woven into each other.

The Danida Fellows Network allows them to connect and learn from each other.

Without collaboration, there will be no halt to environmental degradation, no sustainable advances towards energy efficiency, no improvements in global health, no progress in food security. New and better solutions require a change in policy and legislation, evidence based knowledge, adequate investments and the buy-in of both the public and industry.

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Nsuku Nxumalo, Water Consultant, Pegasys

The members of the Danida Fellows Network represent a tapestry of actors from public authorities, academia, private companies and civil society, whose role and work when it comes to solving the development challenges of today are interdependent and woven into each other.

The Danida Fellows Network allows them to connect and learn from each other.

Without collaboration, there will be no halt to environmental degradation, no sustainable advances towards energy efficiency, no improvements in global health, no progress in food security. New and better solutions require a change in policy and legislation, evidence based knowledge, adequate investments and the buy-in of both the public and industry.

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Shaun Davis, Trans Caledon Tunnel Authority, TCTA, Environmental Manager

The members of the Danida Fellows Network represent a tapestry of actors from public authorities, academia, private companies and civil society, whose role and work when it comes to solving the development challenges of today are interdependent and woven into each other.

The Danida Fellows Network allows them to connect and learn from each other.

Without collaboration, there will be no halt to environmental degradation, no sustainable advances towards energy efficiency, no improvements in global health, no progress in food security. New and better solutions require a change in policy and legislation, evidence based knowledge, adequate investments and the buy-in of both the public and industry.

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Moloko Raletjena, Scientific Manager, Department of Water and Sanitation

The members of the Danida Fellows Network represent a tapestry of actors from public authorities, academia, private companies and civil society, whose role and work when it comes to solving the development challenges of today are interdependent and woven into each other.

The Danida Fellows Network allows them to connect and learn from each other.

Without collaboration, there will be no halt to environmental degradation, no sustainable advances towards energy efficiency, no improvements in global health, no progress in food security. New and better solutions require a change in policy and legislation, evidence based knowledge, adequate investments and the buy-in of both the public and industry.

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