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Networking days


The Danida Fellowship Centre supported Networking Days bring people from across sectors and disciplines together in a particular country and around a particular theme to identify opportunities for collaboration and debate solutions to problems facing their sector.

The shape and scope of the Networking Days will depend on context. They can be one-off events or a series of events; they can take place over a few hours, a day or several days. They can be linked with science engagement initiatives for researchers, follow up training for alumni, or both. Or they can be stand-alone initiatives.

Solutions to development challenges require all hands on deck, both in their design and in their implementation. Different stakeholders from national to local level public authorities, researchers and academia, nationally and internationally based private sector companies, civil society entities, individual entrepreneurs and the public at large all have knowledge and experience to offer, all play a distinct role in bringing the solutions about.

Networking Days bring these actors together in a manner and environment that builds trust and inspires them to join forces in identifying solutions to problems that affect them all, and opportunities to work together to make them a reality.
Networking Days are held only in collaboration with Danish Embassies and draw on the ideas and expertise of all Danida Fellowship Centre departments.

Would you like to explore opportunities for co-hosting an Networking Day with us in your country? Contact us on nextstepnetworking@dfcentre.dk.

Past networking days

South Africa