Grant conditions
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark supports research projects which build on collaboration between Danish research institutions and research institutions in low-income Danida partner countries, as well as emerging economies. Projects may either be driven by Danish research institutions or by research institutions in the selected collaborating countries. Project proposals are assessed by the Consultative Research Committee for Development Research (FFU), which recommends projects for funding to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.
Through the Building Stronger Universities (BSU) programme, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs supports long-term strategic partnerships between universities in Denmark and research environments in Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda, respectively. The programme aims to strengthen the capacity of selected universities in these countries to perform high-quality research. Activities include support to development of research policies and strategies, PhD-schools, development of research concepts, improved quality assurance of research, improvement of libraries and systematisation and upgrading of scientific publications.
No grants for individual PhD and Postdoc are given, as these are included in the development research projects. Sponsorships cannot be supported.
Find information about the Danida funded research projects. These are research collaboration projects in Danida priority countries and in selected growth and transition countries as well as the smaller research grants.
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