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Climate Change: Adaptation, Mitigation and Resilience


The course aims at inspiring participants to mainstream climate change considerations into the work of their home organisation. The programme will show that while the challenge is huge, there are many options and solutions for actions that provide multiple benefits to society.


Through a blend of training approaches, the options for action are assessed and discussed within a framework of a low carbon, climate resil­ient development, referring both to the SDGs and the Paris Agreement. The course also involves visits to public authorities, utili­ties, and private companies where technologies and practic­es addressing climate change is experienced first­hand. Participants will gain the knowledge, the tools, and the inspiration needed to make positive, climate friendly changes. Developing an Action Plan is a central product of the programme and is based on a challenge in the home organization.

Target group

The course targets policy- and decision­makers and staff from government, civil society, and private sector working within green growth, climate change, and environment. Two or more participants from each organisation are welcome, as it facilitates and strengthens the Action Plan work.