DFC can now present its course schedule for 2013
The course schedule for 2013 features more courses in Africa and we are also starting up in Asia. These are some of the new developments of the Danida Fellowship Centre (DFC), which, in addition, introduces a new training and assessment portal.
By Lars Pedersen, DFC
DFC can now present its course schedule for 2013.
The DFC course schedule in 2013 is characterised by an expansion and consolidation of courses to be conducted in East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda), Southern Africa (Mozambique and Zambia) and West Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali and Niger) and an upstart of courses in Asia. And then we will continue to provide courses meeting the demands expressed by DFC’s/Danida’s development partners in the South, including specific demands from programmes and embassies.
Wide variety of courses
In line with the strengths of Danida Fellowship Programme to address cross-cutting sector specific themes in relation to the public sector and to mainstreaming of policy issues, the 2013 course portfolio includes a wide variety of courses in public sector management as well as in mainstreaming of cross-cutting issues, e.g. gender, climate change, and sustainable development.
The portfolio correlates with the central themes emerging from the new Danida strategy.
In addition to need-based courses for the public sector, the 2013 course portfolio will also include a continued provision of fellowship courses for participants from the private sector. These will mainly focus on thematic areas relevant for business development and growth as well as related areas such as Occupational Health & Safety and Corporate Social Responsibility.
Quick response
Furthermore, the budget for the 2013 portfolio includes unallocated funds set aside to enable DFC to quickly response to upcoming political development priorities. The funds for these buffer courses will be allocated on request from relevant sections in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and can be used for courses covering issues such as disaster risk reduction, fragile states, and emerging priority areas which are not covered fully by the course portfolio.
Courses in 2013
Addressing Climate Change in a Development Context |
Capacity Development, Adult Education and Training Delivery |
Financial Management & Good Governance |
Gender Mainstreaming |
Rights-based Approach to Development |
Meeting the Millennium Development Goals: Results-Based Management for Sustainable Development |
Natural Resources Management |
Organisational Change Management: Effectively Addressing Transitional Processes |
Role of Civil Society in Aid Effectiveness |
Public-Private Cooperation |
Public Sector Leadership: Taking Charge of Public Sector Reforms |
Corporate Social Responsibility |
Green Energy and Carbon Markets |
Occupational Health and Safety |
Organic Agriculture and Products in Developing Countries |
Course for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Export-oriented Industries & Services |
Adaption au Consequences des Changements Climatiques (Agricole) (BKF) |
Effective Development Cooperation (upon request from priority countries) |
Assessing the Value of Natural Assets (Zambia) |
Cours sur le Changement Organisationnel (Benin) |
Conflict Transformation (Nepal) |
Democratisation and the Human Rights-based Approach to Development (Uganda) |
Disaster Risk Reduction (Mozambique) |
Entrepreneurship & Innovation in the Agricultural Industry (Bangladesh) |
L’Entreprenariat en Innovation dans l’Industrie Agricole (BKF) |
Environmental Mainstreaming (Nepal) |
Genre et Développement (Burkina Faso) |
General Tools and Concepts in Agribusiness Development (Uganda) |
Genre et Développement (Agricole) (Niger) |
Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau et l’Environnement (Burkina Faso) |
Governance in Local Government (Ghana) |
Greening the Growth (Mozambique) |
Leadership, Financial Management and Good Governance (Tanzania) |
Modalités de Mise en oeuvre de l’Approche Sectorielle (BKF) |
Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation (Uganda) |
Emerging Leaders in the Private Sector (Kenya) |
Procurement (Uganda) |
Promoting Government Integrity and Anti-corruption (Uganda) |
Public Policy Formulation, Implementation & Analysis (Kenya) |
Strategic Human Resources Management for Business Development (tba) |
Strategic Communication (Tanzania) |
Women in Management (Ghana) |
New training and assessment portal
It should also be mentioned that in 2013, the DFC Training and Assessment Portal is introduced. The portal will enhance courses in Denmark (and eventually also cover courses in the South). The portal will also be used to evaluate the courses.
Besides an e-learning module on planning for change and action planning (which all course participants shall undertake), the portal will have a pre-course questionnaire to be completed before the course, an end-of-study questionnaire to be filled in at the end of the course, and finally a post-course questionnaire to be completed 6 months after the course in order to assess the impact of the course.
Course material can also be downloaded from the portal.
Please refer to the DFC website for further details. The website is constantly updated with course dates and descriptions.
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