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Fellows in Denmark

Here you find all the information you need about being a fellow in Denmark.

Danida Fellowship Centre arranges all the practicalities prior to the fellows arriving in Denmark. We offer help and advice and make sure that everybody acquires a good knowledge of Danish society and culture through a thorough introduction.

We operate our own hostel in Copenhagen and offer several social and cultural events each week.

For fellows participating in courses in developing countries, the logistics and other practical matters are being dealt with by the training institutions.

Below you see the Danida Fellowship Centre’s information films, which will give DFC fellows the first “good-to-know” information upon their arrival in Denmark.

Please notethat these introductory films have been made to cover a very wide target group – from experienced to first-time travellers.

About Danish Culture

Duration: 09:05 Minutes

Fellows’ experiences during their stay in Denmark.