Gender Equality
The overall learning objectives of this e-learning module on gender equality are:
- Factual knowledge about gender issues and why gender equality is a key priority in Danish development assistance;
- an understanding of the links between human rights and gender mainstreaming;
- an insight into the importance of integrating gender in development projects including organisational change processes;
- tools to increase gender equality in your own, subsidiary and partner organisations, through introduction of gender sensitive HR policies and monitoring tools: and
- tools to integrate gender analysis into all project stages of design, implementation, monitoring and evalua
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- tion of projects, policies and programmes
The module provides participants with an introduction to why gender mainstreaming and gender equality are important issues to work with; technical knowledge on gender and tools to include gender issues in the daily work irrespective of the sector or position participants are working in. When participants have finalised this eLearning module, they will have ideas for changes that can be made in their daily work to further gender equality.
It has the following sessions:
1. Introduction
2. Gender analysis and gender needs assessment
3. Gender mainstreaming in the workplace
4. Gender mainstreaming in sector interventions
5. Gender aspects in different sectors
The e-learning module ‘Gender Equality’ has been developed by Sweco on behalf of Danida Fellowship Centre.
If this eModule has got your interest, you can register your interest and request more information here