Grants for South-South exchange visits – Call for applications
To promote South-South exchange between researchers participating in ongoing Danida-funded research projects with the same thematic focus, Danida Fellowship Centre (DFC) provides funds to support exchange visits.
The main purpose of an exchange visit is to support knowledge exchange and network between researchers across borders within the same thematic research field. In addition, at least one activity during the visit must promote knowledge exchange across sectors and disciplines.
Application process
A joint visitor/host application must be submitted to DFC for financial support to an exchange visit describing the objectives of the visit. The application must be submitted by the person who will coordinate the exchange visit and endorsed by the institution from which the researchers travel. Applications with 50% women or more joining the exchange visit will be prioritized for funding.
The application must be submitted via DFCs electronic application system SurveyMonkey Apply.
The application must contain the following elements:
- Name of applicant (coordinator of visit)
- A description of the planned activities (incl. knowledge exchange event) during the visit and the researchers/persons involved
- The objective of the visit
- Expected outputs and outcomes
- A timeframe for visit
- A description of who is responsible for planning the visit and the post-visit reporting
- A budget
Up to four researchers may travel to the host institution. It is possible to apply for up to 20,000 DKK per visitor for costs related to the exchange visit (transport, accommodation, etc.). No overhead can be charged. Additionally, a maximum of total 10,000 DKK can be set aside for meeting activities involving external stakeholders during the visit.
Applications can be submitted continuously, i.e. no deadline has been set. The call is open as long as funds remain. DFC has a budget of 300,000 DKK (2021-22) for this type of activity.
A committee at DFC will assess the application. The committee will look into the expected outcomes of the exchange visit, and assess how the suggested activity corresponds to the purpose of the support. The reply to the application will be provided within 2 months after submission.
If the application is approved, DFC will enter into dialogue with the coordinator of the activity and a contract including the agreed practical set-up, process, and transfer of funds will be made. Funds cannot be transferred to a private account.
Reporting and accounts
A brief end of exchange visit report and accounts must be submitted via SurveyMonkey Apply to DFC at the latest three months after the exchange visit has been conducted. The report must briefly describe the results of the exchange visit vis-à-vis the objectives and expected outcomes indicated in the application. A final list of researchers involved (visitors and hosts) must be attached to the report.
The accounts must clarify how the agreed upon budget has been spent. None of the budgeted expenses can be funded by other sources. Unspent funds must be returned to DFC. The accounts must be signed by the coordinator of the activity and a financial officer of the research institution. For grants channeled through a Danish institution where the audit responsibility rests with the National Audit Office of Denmark the accounts of the grant must be accompanied with a management endorsement of accounts signed by responsible coordinator of activity and the financial officer. For other institutions receiving a grant, the accounts must be accompanied with an auditor statement or receipts documenting all expenditures. An amount of 5,000 DKK can be set aside for audit in the budget.
In case the reporting and accounting have not been submitted in time to DFC, it will be considered non-compliance with the purpose of support, and a full return of funds to DFC will be requested.
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