How DFC Administers Research Projects
How DFC Administers Research Projects
The administration of Danida’s support to development research and to research capacity building was outsourced to Danida Fellowship Centre (DFC) in 2008.
Effective, transparent and timely administration
DFC aims at achieving an effective, transparent and timely administration of the research grants and applications to the benefit of both Danish and developing country project partners. All written communication will thus be in English.
Questions regarding the management of ongoing research allocations and applications, which cannot be answered by the responsible institution or covered in the guidelines or instructions to applicants, can be forwarded to:
Fields of responsibility
DFC handles the administration of the practical part of the annual round of application to the Consultative Research Committee for Development Research (FFU), as well as the administration of all ongoing projects. This includes disbursements, accounting and the administrative side of annual and final reporting.
Danida is responsible for the political and strategic aspects of the support to development research. The overall responsibility for the contact to the research centres, institutions and networks in Denmark and abroad is maintained by Danida through the office Evaluation and Research (EVAL).
The Consultative Research Committee for Development Research is a programme committee under the Danish Council for Strategic Research and it advises the Minister for Development Cooperation regarding research applications under the competitive funds. Read more here.