Meeting Denmark – and the world
Whether you are in Denmark on a short or longer study stay, you will get an insight into the Danish culture and lifestyle through the social and cultural activities that are either offered by Danida Fellowship Centre in Copenhagen or your place of study outside Copenhagen.
You will get a chance to meet Danish politicians at municipality or parliament level during debate nights.
You will also visit both historical sites like castles and museums or participate in excursions to folk high schools or community halls that reflects the present social aspects of Danish culture.
Moreover, you will be invited to social activities like cooking clubs, movie nights or the annual Xmas event, where you shouldn’t be surprised to find yourself in a global mix of Masai and South American dancing and traditional Xmas carols.
While in Denmark you will definitely get to know about Denmark, but you will also learn about other cultures, and form professional and personal friendships with fellows from different countries and continents.