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Invitation to a debate evening on Resource Efficiency, Food Loss and Waste in a connected world


Thursday 1st December 2022, 16.00 -18.00 at Danida Fellowship Centre – Join a group of experienced practitioners on resource efficiency, food loss, and food waste from across the world when we discuss the challenges and best practices of handling food waste and loss in Denmark – and in our partner countries.

How can Denmark learn from Mexico, Kenya, Nigeria, Vietnam, and Indonesia when it comes to handling food waste on the consumer level and where can Danish practices inspire partners from these countries in improving food loss in the production of food? Why is so much food thrown out in Denmark every day and what can we learn from each other to ensure that food is eaten – not lost?

We encourage all interested people in the field of food waste or food loss to join the event and the conversation with our international partners. However, because of limited space, registration is needed.

Please sign-up for the event by writing Ms Naja Spanner at ns@dfcentre.dk latest by 29th November 2022.

Debate evening on Food Loss and Waste in a connected world
Thursday, 1st December 2022, 16.00 -18.00
Danida Fellowship Centre, Hostrupsvej 22A, 1st floor, 1950 Frederiksberg C. 


16.00 Arrival and welcome
Examples of challenges and best practices from Denmark and beyond on how to handle food loss and food waste
17.00 Break
17.15- 18.00 Debating with partners from Mexico, Kenya, Nigeria, Vietnam, and Indonesia on how to address challenges and minimize food waste and food loss in Denmark and the world.
18.00 Networking, drinks, and food


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