Green Transition: Circular Economy and Environmental Sustainability
The learning programme aims at inspiring participants to address the triple planetary crisis relating to climate change, loss of biodiversity and natural habitats, and pollution and waste. It will facilitate an understanding of the nature of the crisis, but the main focus will be on the responses: the solutions and opportunities for action.
Approach and Content:
The opportunities for green, circular and environmentally sustainable development will be assessed within a framework of Green Growth Principles and the Circular Economy approach while referring to both the SDGs and the Paris Agreement. In the process we will meet actors in eco-communities, utility companies, municipalities and private businesses. We will visit many exciting cases including resource and energy-generating waste-water plants, recycling stations, innovation-hubs, agricultural farms, and green and climate resilient urban areas. We will learn about practices and green technologies – but also about how the green transition may be organized and financed, and we will reflect on how the learnings may be applied in the contexts of the participants.
To support the internalization of the learnings, each participants will develop an action plan based on a challenge in the home organisation. The LP is a three-phased process: Phase 1 in the home country – whit webinars and start-up of the Action Plan process, Phase 2 will take place in Denmark and will involve excursions, presentations and debates – along with work on the Action Plan. Phase 3 will take place in the home country and will focus on the implementation of the Action Plan.
Target group:
The course targets policy- and decisionmakers and staff from government, civil society, and private sector working within Green Transition, including Circular Economy, Green Growth and Environmental Sustainability. Two or more participants from each organisation are welcome, as it facilitates and strengthens the Action Plan activities.