Past courses
Thematic courses previously offered under the DFC Scholarship Programme
Some of the tailored courses developed under the DFC Scholarship Programme, which target Strategic Sector Cooperation partner countries, may not be offered every year, depending on the needs and priority expressed by Sector Counsellors and Danish partner authorities. Previous courses can always be offered again if needs arise, and may also act as a source of inspiration for new courses. The below courses developed under the programme is not currently being offered:
- Air Pollution Modelling
- One Health Specialization
- Cardio-Metabolic Diseases – Leadership Course
- Food Safety Specialization
Examples of cross-thematic courses previously offered
DFC has developed and offered cross-thematic courses since 1990 for Danida programme partners. We are currently offering only a smaller number of cross-thematic courses for Danida programme partners and Strategic Sector Cooperation partners, but we can always be contacted to support tailored courses developed for your partners if funds are available for such within your programme or organization. The examples below of courses we have previously offered could perhaps be an inspiration.
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Emerging Leaders in the Private Sector
- SMEs within Productive Industries and Services
- Gender Mainstreaming
- A Human Rights Based Approach to Development Programming
- Environmental Mainstreaming
- The Role of Media in the Democratic Progress
- Capacity Development, Adult Education and Training Delivery
- Public Sector Leadership
- Anti-corruption
- Governance in Local Government
- Strategic Communication for Development and Advocacy
- Results-Based Management
- Disaster Risk Reduction
- Natural Resource Management
- Sustainable Agriculture