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Meet the delegation of 25 Kenyan SDG pioneers in Bornholm


Watch the video about the delegation of 25 energetic Kenyan SDG pioneers as they participate Danida Fellowship Centre’s  learning programme Strengthening Policy Dialogue to accelerate SDG implementation. Get a glimpse into how they  work with their ActionPlans, a mandatory element of of all Danida Fellowship Centre’d learning courses and warm up to taking part in the People´s Meeting / Folkemødet 2021.

The team took part and  infused global perspectives in the following debates on 17, 18 & 19 June  Check the events here.

INKAconsult and 2030beyond facilitated the course that is connecting Kenyan SDG-pioneers working for good governance and sustainable change.

Watch the 2nd video about the Kenyan SDG delegation See you at the People Dialogue Festival in Nairobi in March 2022


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