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Opportunities, challenges and bad weather

The report is written by Hanne Kirstine Adriansen (left), University of Aalborg and Lene Møller Madsen (right), University of Copenhagen, both associate professors, Photos: Jacob Crawfurd

Based on 300 African researchers voices Danida Fellowship Centre’s new report “ Opportunities, Challenges and bad weather” shows that Danida’s support to research collaboration and capacity development is effective. The report is by Hanne Kirstine Adriansen, University of Aalborg and Lene Møller Madsen, University of Copenhagen, both associate professors.

For three decades, support for the development research partnerships and research capacity development has been an element in Danish development cooperation channelled through Danida.

Read the report “Opportunities challenges – and bad weather”.

Albeit in different forms, the main objective of Danida’s support to development research has always been to contribute to the solution of developing countries’ problems, both in terms of new research results and in the building of research capacity.

To counterbalance this and bring out the voices of the African researchers, the main focus of the report “Opportunities, challenges and bad weather” is on the experiences and reflections of the African researchers, who were involved in Danida funded research capacity building 1989- 2019.

The report is innovative with focus on individual researchers’ experiences, and it is indeed important to look at the consequences of tight governance and inequality in relations, says Karen Lauterbach, Associate Professor, Centre for African Studies, University of Copenhagen about the report to Videnskab.dk.

Danida Fellowship Centre launched the report 27 July.  Read Margrethe Holm Andersens thank you speech here.

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