Day 1: Theme of the day: What changed (in terms of outcomes and results)?
Pan African Hall & breakout setups
07:00-09:00 – Breakfast at Dining Hall
09:00-9:30 – Welcome from MS TCDC: Makena Mwobobia, Executive Director MS TCDC
9.30 – 10.30 – Welcome and introduction to the seminar
Lars Arne Jensen & Vibeke Quaade, Danida Fellowship Centre
Family photo
10:30-11:00 – Tea/coffee break
11:00-11:05 – BSU BESTS: Video w statements about BSU
11:05-11.30 –Let’s talk about outcomes and results, intro
Stella Agara, MS TCDC
Identification of results and outcomes:
Defining success
Share an introduction brief of the notes above (Slides) (15mins)
Share the Project Objectives and discuss the meanings of each objective to have a shared understanding. (5minutes)
Use a sample story to demonstrate the group assignment (15min)
11:30-12:30 –Let’s talk about outcomes and results, diving in
Stella Agara, MS TCDC
Divide participants into 6 university groups and discuss key outcomes and results
Guiding questions to discuss
1: Identify outcomes that provide evidence that something was created in the research groups during the lifetime of the project;
2: Identify outcomes that provide evidence that something has changed or transformed in the university admin during the project time of intervention;
3: Explore unintended outcomes, results, and effects.
Under each question discuss
What motivated the results?
Which interventions/ approaches produced the results?
Are these one-off results, or trends to be noticed?
NB: Group notes in google drive!
12:00-13:30 – Lunch break at Dining Hall
13:30-14:45 – Let’s talk about outcomes and results, presenting
Stella Agara
Feedback session: Presentation of group reports and listing of results that did not fit in any of the above group’s classifications
14:45-15:00 – Let’s talk about BSU challenges and learnings that we shouldn’t forget but learn from and build on, intro
Lars Arne Jensen
15:00-15:30 – Tea/coffee break
15:30-16:15 – Let’s talk about BSU challenges and learnings that we shouldn’t forget but learn from and build on, group work
Mixed groups of
- BSU researchers
- BSU coordinators
- BSU admin
Guiding questions to discuss for researchers:
- 1: Collaboration – at WP level within and across projects?; Being a participating academic/researcher in this type of modality – enough research or too much system/admin? Time spent vs time allocated.
- 2. Capacity development: – advanced careers because of BSU? – Career advancement in general, is BSU a suited modality. – Lessons learned/takeaway regarding academic career advancement.
Questions to discuss for coordinators:
- 1: Collaboration – amongst BSU coordinators?; – institutional collaboration within university management; – time allocated for BSU management/coordination tasks, balanced/unbalanced? – Time spent vs time allocated.
- 2. Capacity development: – career advancement because of BSU, or any other capacity development from coordinating BSU? – Opportunities for international collaboration arisen/explored?
Questions to discuss for BSU admin:
- 1: Collaboration – admin systems knowledge sharing across projects? – Time spent vs time allocated. – BSU admin collaboration compared to other international funding.
- 2. Capacity development: – career development because of BSU? – Lessons learned/takeaways regarding admin capacity development /career advancement.
NB: Group notes in google drive!
16:15-17:00 – Feedback to group and plenary discussion. (20 mins)
Lars Arne Jensen
Intro to how we will do the fireside stories
Vibeke Quaade
17:00 – End of Day 1
19:00 – Dinner and bonfire storytelling in the garden
Stella Agara