Bridging the Gap. Science for the public. We focus on the African climate crisis

In the current climate crisis, the media plays an essential role in getting the message of climate change research and stories of adaptation across to the public as well as to decision makers. When journalists credibly and accurately ommunicate research and tell well-informed climate stories, they help citizens and decision makers understand the realities of the current climate crisis and the possible responses. Communication of research and science is essential if the general public and policy makers are to make knowledge-based, consolidated decisions on the issues facing their communities
This “Bridging the Gap. Science for the public” seminar therefore focus on the African climate crisis. It provides a shared platform from which researchers and journalist can collaborate, and aims at paving the way for increased research and science reporting and deepen the impact and uptake of Danida funded research projects related to the climate change in Africa.
The seminar offers two online trainings on 11 and 13 October 2022 and in-person sessions during four days from 31 October to 3 November where researchers and journalists (net)work and engage at the the Training Centre for Development Cooperation TCDC in Arusha, Tanzania on how to best collaborate on communicating research findings and evidence-based knowledge.
The in-person sessions taking place at TCDC for researchers are interlinked and coordinated with Danida Fellowship Centre learning programme Reporting from the African Frontline of the Global Climate Crisis for professionel journalists across African countries. The learning programme for the journalists leads up to the journalists participation in COP27.
The programme for researchers
(Updated 15 September 2022, Subject to changes)
11 October: Intro to communication – Online
10.00 am – 12.30pm CET
Welcome & why care about communication?
Your experience with communication?
Know your audience & the (current) global agenda on climate
News criteria: Making your climate research interesting for the general public
Exercise: News criteria in your own research
Exercise: Find your key message
Facilitation by
13 October: Write your own press release – Online
10.00 – 11.30am CET
How to communicate How to structure texts and speeches in an effective way
Use of language
Presentation of exercise: Write your own press release
11.30 am – 3 pm CET
Online availability to help you write your press release.
1-on-1 guidance by your course leaders (voluntary). Send your press release to Lise Brix, email: lb@ and Vibeke Quaade, email: Deadline Sunday 16 October before midnight. A written press release is required to pass this course. You will get your feedback when we meet in Tanzania
Facilitation by
31 October. Setting the tone – TCDC Arusha/TZ
8.00 am – 5.00 pm (Lunch 12.30 – 1.30pm)
A shared African voice for climate justice
Meeting the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance, PACJA & the African journalists
Facilitation by PACJA
1 November. Bridging the Gap. Science for the public – TCDC Arusha/TZ
8.00 am – 5.00 pm (Lunch 12.30 – 1.30pm)
General feedback and learning points from your press releases
Verbal Pitch: Tell your Why
How to contact and collaborate with the media
Facilitation by
2. November. Engagement & networking day for researchers – TCDC, Arusha/TZ
8.00 am – 5.00 pm (Lunch 12.30 – 1.30pm)
Knowledge in action: Using communication to engage stakeholders of research projects
How to engage with community and the private and public sector
Challenges of engagement across disciplines and countries
Social media & cases of engagement
Researchers networking
Facilitation by Prof Robinson Mdegela, Sokoine University of Agriculture & Mawazo Institute
3. November. Science journalism: Researchers & journalists are together – TCDC Arusha/TZ
8.00 am – 5 pm (Lunch 12.30 – 1.30pm)
Welcome – why are we here
Group work (mixed groups scientists and journalists): Common aims and challenges when scientists and journalists cooperate
Researchers pitch their stories & journalists give feedback
Follow up session in plenum
Group work: How to get a fruitful cooperation between scientists and journalists
In plenum: Make a common declaration
Facilitation by & Constructive Institute
Sharing of knowledge is essential for finding sustainable solutions to global challenges. Danida Fellowship Centre supports the creation of new competences and skills aimed at transforming knowledge into action through co-creation, knowledge sharing, networking and storytelling.
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