The Consultative Research Committee
The Consultative Research Committee for Development Research (FFU) is a programme committee that advises the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark regarding Danida’s support to development research.
The Consultative Research Committee for Development Research is responsible for assessing research funding proposals and advises the Ministry in matters regarding the awards of the competitive funds for development research projects, as well as quality assurance of the research projects.
The FFU members are subject to the disqualification rules by the Innovation Fund Denmark.
The Consultative Research Committee
The FFU appointed for 2022-24 has the following members:
- Professor, PhD, Mr. Christian Lund, University of Copenhagen, Chairman
- Professor, PhD, Ms. Lotte Meinert, Aarhus University, Deputy Chairperson
- Associate Professor, PhD, Mr. Erik Skov Madsen, University of Southern Denmark (Odense)
- Associate professor, PhD, Ms. Christine Noe, University of Dar es Salaam
- Professor, PhD, Mr. John Christensen, Sustainable Development Center, Yonsei University (South Korea)
- Senior researcher, PhD, Ms. Helene Maria Kyed, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)
- Professor, PhD, Ms. Anja Kaarina Nygren, University of Helsinki
- Professor, PhD, Mr. Ola Westengen, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
- Head of Department, PhD, Ms. Tove Degnbol, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark