General Conditions, FFU Projects
The General Conditions apply to the administration of ongoing grants to research collaboration projects in Danida priority countries, and in selected growth and transition countries with Strategic Sector Cooperation programmes funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In the cases that PhDs (Research Fellows) are included in research projects, the guidelines of how Danida Fellowship Centre manages these researchers’ stay in Denmark on behalf of the research projects apply.
and appendices
1. Disbursement Request Form
3. Template for Management Endorsement
Appendix 3: Template for Management Endorsement of Accounts
If audited by the National Audit Office of Denmark.
4. Audit instructions for DK lead institution
5. Audit instruction for Ghana, Nepal or Tanzania lead institution
6. Audit Instructions for partners outside Denmark
7. Guidelines for DFC’s Administration
Appendix 7: Guidelines for stays in Denmark
Guidelines for Danida Fellowship Centre’s Administration of Research Fellows from Developing Countries
8. Budget reallocations form
DropBox Pro document folder
DropBox Pro document folder (as project repository)
All projects will be offered the possibility of opening a DropBox Pro folder with DFC, who will provide access to a dedicated folder at the project coordinator’s disposal, e.g. functioning as a repository for project documents, hence enabling all relevant project members to have access to the latest version of any document in the project.
The folder will be available/allocated to the project upon request from the project coordinator. Send an email to DFC at requesting the folder, while at the same time indicating a name/acronym for the folder, besides the official project number (e.g. 17-04-KU). This enables DFC to create the folder and send a sharing link to the project coordinator, who is then in turn free to invite all colleagues as he/she wishes by sharing the link. DFC carries all costs related to the DropBox folder.