Countries covered by ongoing projects
In 2023, Danida Fellowship Centre supported ongoing research project activities in 18 countries. Some projects are partnering with two or three countries. The map below shows how many ongoing projects there are in the Danida partner countries.
Research projects
Number of applicants and gender
In 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs selected 20 new research projects from the 2023 application round, 12 of which are led by female and eight by male project coordinators. In the 2023 application round, 128 project applications were submitted, 35 by female and 93 by male project leads.
Across all the 20 selected projects, 119 male researchers and 106 female researchers are involved. When calculating the allocated months budgeted for male and female researchers across projects, the male researchers will work 1250 months while female researchers will work 1189 months.
The above figures show progress towards gender balance compared to previous years. Proportionally more female researchers have applied as principal investigator in 2023 compared to earlier, and more than half of the approved projects will be led by a female principal investigator.
Selected research projects by theme
In 2023, the overall theme for the call for applications was “Development under conditions of climate change”. All selected research projects from the 2023 application round, therefore, relate to climate change in various ways. In addition to the overall theme of climate change, the following themes are the most dominant: health (4), natural resource management (7), and energy (2). Other themes include gender equality (3), agricultural production (5), humanitarian assistance and development (1), water management and sanitation (1), economic development and value chains (3), aquatic environment and resources (1), food security and safety (6), production, industry and labour market (1), conflict, peace and security (1), state building, governance and civil society (5), urban development (3), and waste management (1). See more about the supported research projects on the Danida Research Portal.
Overview of top themes in portfolio, incl. the 2024 grants from the 2023 application round
The diagram below shows the occurrence of each theme in ongoing research projects. Applicants can choose up to three themes for their project. The focus on climate change in the call for applications is reflected in the occurrence of the “climate change” theme.