Disease Control and Sustainable Livestock Production
The overall aim of this course is for participants to acquire in-depth knowledge about how livestock and their food products can be produced sustainable and safe from farm to fork using experiences from the Danish livestock industry as a reference point. Focus is on pig, poultry and dairy production.
The course will be a mix of lectures (including online), problem-based learning involving cases / scenarios in which the course participants will work in groups under supervision from teachers and external contributors from e.g. public institutions, industry bodies etc.
The course will include case group work to present and discuss challenges and their solutions in livestock production, e.g. within areas like biosecurity, feed and food safety, organic production and animal welfare, including the role of responsive authorities.
During the stay in Denmark several exposure visits will be arranged to livestock production facilities, including organic and small-scale productions; biogas plants, veterinary practices; abattoirs; DAFC/their research centers; and retail.
Throughout the course, references will be made to farm productivity and economy.
Target Group
The course can have up to 25 participants related to the Danish Strategic Sector Cooperation in their home country (either directly or indirectly). The course targets professionals with background and interest in the livestock sector, including people engaged in knowledge/research institutions, public institutions and private companies. Participants must as a minimum have a bachelor degree in a relevant field and must have a good command of English.