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Can an application relate to two themes?
No, only one theme must be chosen for each application, however, other themes can be referred to, but it is important to keep the research focus.
W2 themes seem very specifically aimed at certain areas – how large a creativity span will Danida allow for in an application to meet the described purpose?
Yes, but only one institution can be the applicant and responsible institution, and the other institution will have to be a partner just as other included collaborating partners with individual budgets. An institution can be awarded several projects, but only one project per project coordinator may be awarded for each funding window.
Can the grants cover post-doctoral researchers from South Africa or Denmark or both?
The focus of the project must be well-defined with respect to the announced research theme in the chosen partner country.The thematic focus areas of the Window 2 Call are country-specific and they have been determined on the basis of the focus of Danish strategic cooperation in the countries, including the thematic focus areas of the programme “Partnering with Denmark”.
In relation to Theme 1 for W1, how is it possible not to do “product development”, as advised in the PowerPoint under ‘Do not’s’ (from the information meeting)?
The project must be a research project and it is important to focus on testing and documentation, and not only product development, and surely relate it to the potential impact on societal level locally. It will be up to the FFU to make the assessments of applications according to the Assessment Criteria including the originality and innovative nature of the project, in terms of generating new knowledge; and, with respect to state of the art, the contribution to advancing research in the given field according to international standards.
How can the collaboration with private companies avoid being seen as a development project?
Private companies do to a large extent also work with research projects, and in such a collaboration it is important to keep the research question and focus in mind. It will be up to the FFU to make the assessments of applications according to the Assessment Criteria including the originality and innovative nature of the project, in terms of generating new knowledge; and, with respect to state of the art, the contribution to advancing research in the given field according to international standards.
Can a policy research project be considered?
Yes, it can, if it fits into one of the themes in the Call chosen– and please make sure the relevant theme text in the call is addressed. It will be up to the FFU to make the assessments of applications according to the Assessment Criteria including the originality and innovative nature of the project, in terms of generating new knowledge; and, with respect to state of the art, the contribution to advancing research in the given field according to international standards.
What does “address the entire call text and not just part of the call…” mean?
It means that the applicant should make sure that the specified text for the relevant theme stated in the call text, within which the application falls, is addressed, and that all the requirements of the chosen Call is fulfilled.
Can policy analysis be considered research?
It will be up to the FFU to make the assessments of applications according to the Assessment Criteria. It has to include a relevant research angle/topic, it is instrumental that the project is a research project, and not only a policy analysis. Important selection criteria are the originality and innovative nature of the project, in terms of generating new knowledge; and, with respect to state of the art, the contribution to advancing research in the given field according to international standards.
Is the topic relevant to the objectives of the call?
DFC is not able to decide whether the topic mentioned is relevant to the objectives of the call, as it is up to the FFU and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to make the assessments of applications according to the Assessment Criteria stated in point 6 of the call text.
Does my subject (described in detail) fit into one of the announced themes of the Call (W2)?
The thematic focus areas of the call are country-specific and focus on areas where the strategic interest for Denmark and the partner country has been identified, in order for the projects to strengthen the bilateral collaboration within this area. The relevance of a proposal in this respect is an important part of the assessment and, as described in the Call, the focus of the project must be well-defined with respect to one of the announced research themes, the project must contribute to the overall objectives of the Danish strategic sector cooperation in the country (where relevant) or is must otherwise be relevant for strengthening commercial or political cooperation with Denmark; and the project must respond to national development priorities related to the SDGs. As the evaluation of the applications is not in the hands of DFC, we are not in a position to give advice on the relevance of a specific subject in relation to the themes of the Calls. You can check http://um.dk/da/danida/samarbejspartnere/minist/myndighedssamarbejde for further information about the “Partnering with Denmark” activities. If you find that your team of applicants and your planned project fill in the requirements and criteria of the Call in question, please apply.