Welcome to Danida Fellowship Centre in Holbæk
Watch the video where Flemming Møller Mortensen, Minister for Development Cooperation, and Ulla Næsby Tawiah, Director of Danida Fellowship Centre, present Danida Fellowship Centre’s move to Holbæk.
It is now official: Danida Fellowship Centre is one organisation in two locations. Danida Fellowship Centre’s administration has moved to Holbæk.
On 25 August 2021, Flemming Møller Mortensen, Minister for Development Cooperation, inaugurated our new premises at a festive event along with Jesper Petersen, Minister for Higher Education and Science, and Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil, Minister for Children and Education. Holbæk’s Mayor, Christina Krzyrosiak was also present.
From now on, we will be sharing the new, spacious premises at Østre Skole in Holbæk with three other institutions: The institution, which evaluates educations in Denmark, Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut, the institution which does accreditation of educations in Denmark, Danmarks Akkrediteringsinstitution, and the Center for Quality (CUK) in education from Styrelsen for Undervisning og Kvalitet (STUK). The three government institutions have a total of 280 employees working in Holbæk.

While our administration has moved, the hostel, which hosts more than 1000 Danida Fellows on an annual basis, remains in Frederiksberg. We will still accommodate our Danida fellows at the hostel while they are participating in our learning programmes or are on research or study stays in Denmark.
Our area of work and the projects we do will also remain the same. We will continue to offer capacity building that supports Danida programmes and Denmark’s cooperation with priority and growth countries. We will also continue to administer Danida’s support for development research and collaboration and to expand and develop our Danida alumni network as a platform for alumni to connect, share knowledge and transform knowledge into action.
By moving Danida Fellowship Centre’s administration to Holbæk, we give everyone in this part of Denmark the opportunity to learn much more about Danish development cooperation. Moreover, we offer employment opportunities to people from in and around Holbæk.
We look forward to getting to know Holbæk better, and to letting Holbæk get to know us, and the role we play in Danida’s activities.
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