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Danida Fellowship Centre is obtaining health information from candidates applying for a Danida Scholarship, by a statement of the candidate in the Fellowship Application Form or Information Sheet:

I declare that I will not have any illness, which may prevent me from undertaking the proposed course of study. Furthermore I declare that in case of pregnancy my expected delivery is minimum 8 weeks after the last day of the course. If there is any significant change in my condition between signing this form and leaving for the course, I will inform DFC immediately”.

You will find the Fellowship Form here

In the administration guidelines for research fellows, the project contact person will be made aware of his/her responsibility of informing Danida Fellowship Centre of a research fellow´s health issues.


If a physician is needed outside surgery hours: Call the emergency service – helpline (Akuttelefonen) on: 1813

When you arrive in Denmark Danida Fellowship Centre or the place of study will provide you with telephone numbers and adresses for emergency physician, emergency room and ambulance.