Health and medical service
Health/General Practitioner (GP)
A GP is usually the first person to contact in the event of illness. The opening hours of the health clinics are weekdays between 8 am and 4 pm and a surgery one evening a week.
You need an appointment in order to see a GP.
Out-of-hours medical service – Helpline
The out-of-hours medical service is open when the GP is closed – in the evening and at weekends.
If you fall ill or suffer an injury outside the GP’s normal opening hours, and if the problem cannot wait until the GP is available, you can call the out-of-hours medical service.
- If you stay in Copenhagen area call the medical helpline 1813
- If you stay outside Copenhagen, please find the contact information to the emergency doctor service here
The Out-of-hours medical service will determine whether a doctor should be sent to your accommodation, whether you should visit a GP the next day, or whether you should go to an emergency hospital.
Have your Yellow Health Insurance Number ready – this is your date of birth and 4 more numbers on your yellow card.
For fellows with Europæiske Health Insurance Certificate you state your name and date of birth.
It is a good idea to contact DFC should you be in an emergency situation.
COVID-19 Guideline and Restrictions
Please find the general Danida Fellowship Centres Guidelines here
As well as the current COVID-19 requirements for residents at the DFC Hostel
Prior Medical Approval
In addition to your DFC insurance, which covers emergency medical treatment and medication for treatment of emergency cases, you may need a Prior Medical Approval. This only applies, if you are pregnant, or have any pre-existing conditions that may require medical attention while you are in Denmark. You will have to fill out a form to apply for Prior Medical Approval.
Please note that the insurance company must receive your application no later than 2 weeks before you travel to Denmark. The insurance company may decline your application for Prior Medical Approval, if your medical condition is not considered fit for travel.
Please note, that pre-existing conditions may include, but are not limited to:
- Pregnancy, including any pregnancy related medical issues
- Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart condition, epilepsy etc.
- Cancer
- Recent diagnoses or injuries incurred immediately prior to travelling
You will find the form and instructions on how to proceed with the application here.
If you have pre-existing conditions, and require medical treatment while in Denmark, but you have not applied for the Prior Medical Approval, the insurance company may decline to cover costs incurred due to your medical condition. This includes costs covering examination, treatment, medication, hospitalization, medical transport, change of flights fees, accommodation etc.
Please do not apply for Prior Medical Approval if your medical condition does not require prescription treatment while you are in Denmark. This could be allergies, eczema, ongoing antibiotic treatment etc.
If you are unsure if you should apply for Prior Medical Approval, please contact the insurance company on their hotline or contact the DFC insurance contact person Naja Spanner on or phone +45 2217 0741.