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Partnerships for Change II. Engaging the public and private sector on plastic waste in Kenya and Denmark


Are you interested in partnership collaboration, but want to know more about choosing the right partners? Are you curious about how a collaborative project between the public, private and third sector could work?

Then grab a coffee, sit back and get inspired by the strategic tips for working practically in partnerships within the private, public and third sector.

Watch the #4 Knowledge in Action Talk 

During this Knowledge in Action Talk you will hear from two inspiring cases that illustrate different kinds of partnership collaborations. One case is from Kenya, the other from Denmark, but both deal with plastic waste. The cases will help us explore the dynamics of public private partnerships, the pro and cons– and also look into the challenges and opportunities of including other actors for example informal sector entrepreneurs and NGOs in the partnership collaboration

Nina Espegård Hassel, Head of Department for Circular Economy and Waste, Danish Environmental Protection Agency, will talk about how the Danish Environmental Protection Agency has been working in collaboration with different stakeholders and will take us through the benefits and challenges in such a collaboration.

Klaus Lehn Christensen, Regional Manager East Africa, Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) and Priyen Tanna Technical Lead Consultant, Kenya’s Producer Responsibility Organization (KEPRO) will talk about how the private sector initiated unconventional partnerships that led to lasting change in Kenya’s handling of plastic waste.

Rowena Harding, Communications and Engagement specialist will facilitate the talk alongside two guest facilitators, who will share their experiences from two different but successful partnerships.

Case 1: When broad based-coalitions create change – How private sector and collaboration initiate lasting change
Hear how a broad-based coalition of private sector, state actors, and organizations came together to make progress in reducing plastic waste in Kenya since 2018 and resulted in the introduction and successful adaptation of an action plan for the Government of Kenya. Learn how working together across sectors can make lasting impact.

Guest facilitator: Klaus Lehn Christensen, Regional Manager East Africa, Confederation of Danish Industry and Priyen Tanna Technical Lead Consultant, Kenya’s Producer Responsibility Organization (KEPRO)

Case 2: From policy to partnerships – When Government initiate collaborations to reduce waste in Denmark
Hear how a Government Agency created change in implementing policies through collaboration and trust amongst stakeholders. Get tips on techniques to work from policy to practice and how to implement a policy to reduce waste. Hear how the collaboration has sparked a positive willingness to reduce plastic waste.

Guest facilitator: Nina Espegård Hassel, Head of Department for Circular Economy and Waste, Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Ministry of Environment,  Denmark.

Partnerships for change #2. Engaging the public and private sector is part of the Danida Fellowship Centre’s online series of Knowledge in Action Talks that convene brilliant minds, provide powerful inspiration, and facilitate meaningful connections across our knowledge ecosystem.

The #4 Knowledge in Action Talk was live-streamed on 16 June 2022, 2-3.30 pm CET on YouTube and  Facebook

Revisit our previous Knowledge in Action Talks
#1How to Make a Business Idea Reality

#2Combatting a Global Pandemic. What does it take?

#3Partnerships for change. Better together

The coming Knowledge in Action Talks will be announced here and in our newsletter.

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