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Learning programmes in 2024

Danida Fellowship Centre organise more than 40 learning programmes on an annual basis. The topics of the learning programmes range from areas such as energy, environment, health and food production,  to e.g. public-private partnerships, digitization and strategic leadership. These are all areas in which Denmark has special competencies, hence most of the learning programmes take place in Denmark.

Below you will find information on the learning programmes confirmed in 2024. Learning programmes marked in grey are also available to Danida-funded partners outside the Strategic Sector Cooperation.

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Learning programmes in 2024

Title Thematic Area Dates
Efficient and Transparent Approval processes for Pharmaceuticals Health 15 January – 26 February 2024 Closed for applications
Conflict Management – Environmental Focus Environment 5 February – 23 February 2024 Closed for applications
Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Development Environment 26 February – 15 March 2024 Closed for applications
Human Rights Based Approach (MS TCDC Standard Course) Regional 26 February – 1 March 2024 Closed for applications
Data and Digital Technology as enablers for Environmental Sustainable Societies Digitalisation 4 March – 22 March 2024 Closed for applications
Organisational Change Management Cross-thematic 4 March – 22 March 2024 Closed for applications
Environmental Governance at Local Level Environment 8 April – 26 April 2024 Closed for applications
Extended Producer Responsibility Environment 15 April – 3 May 2024 Closed for applications
Responsive Project Management Cross-thematic 29 April – 17 May 2024 Closed for applications
Sustainable Food Systems: Resource Efficiency, Food Loss and Food Waste Food Safety 20 May – 7 June 2024 Closed for applications
Empowerment of Youth to Influence SDG Implementation Cross-thematic 3 June – 21 June 2024 Closed for applications
Climate Change: Adaptation, mitigation and Resilience Environment 3 June – 21 June 2024 Closed for applications
Policy Development and Implementation of Interventions to control antimicrobial resistance Food Safety 10 June – 28 June 2024 Closed for applications
Global Health Challenges Summer Course Health 5 August – 15 August 2024 Closed for applications
Creating Healthy Cities Summer Course Health 5 August – 16 August 2024 Closed for applications
Advanced Water cycle Management Environment 11 August – 24 August 2024 Closed for applications
Organisational Change Management Cross Thematic 12 August – 30 August 2024 Closed for applications
Energy Efficiency Management in Industry and Buildings Energy 19 August– 30 August 2024 Closed for applications
Groundwater Governance and Drinking Water Management Environment 19 August – 5 September 2024 Closed for applications
Practices, Tools and Technologies for the Green Transition Environment 19 August – 5 September 2024 Closed for applications
Physical and Financial Power Markets: Roles, Tasks and Responsibilities Energy 9 September – 27 September 2024 Closed for applications
Energy systems modelling using Balmorel Energy 16 September – 4 October 2024 Closed for applications
Offshore Wind Energy Energy 16 September – 4 October 2024 Closed for applications
Green and Circular Economy Circular Economy 23 September – 11 October 2024 Closed for applications
Solid Waste Management Environment 7 October – 25 October Closed for applications
Health Economics and Digital Health Health 21 October – 1 November 2024
Responsive Project Management Cross Thematic 28 October – 15 November 2024 Closed for applications
Clean District Energy Energy 4 November – 22 November Closed for applications
Food Safety in the Diary Sector Food Safety 4 November – 22 November
Renewable Energy Integration in Power systems Energy 21 October – 8 November 2024 Closed for applications
Disease Control and Sustainable Lifestock Production Food Safety 18 november – 6 December 2024